RIT/NTID Diversity Spotlight

Full name of the subject of the spotlight.

[ID: RIT National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Black Heritage Month Spotlight. Pictured in a green circle is Sonya Smith, a Black woman smiling with short black hair, multi-colored hoop earrings, white t-shirt and a blue denim jacket. Quoted below her is: Every day in life, we may fail, but we can get up and try again. Keep pushing for more. Below, it says "Sonya Smith '16. Business Administration: Marketing BS. Deaf Community Advocate. MO Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing." Black History Month colors, red, yellow, black and green are found on the photo's bottom border.]

Sonya Smith ‘16


Deaf Community Advocate

Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

What is your nationality/how do you identify?

What does Black History/Heritage Month mean to you?
BHM empowers me because I am a proud Black deaf woman. As I was brought up, I learned more about myself and unpacked what it means to be Black in America. It made me who I am and now I’m doing things to better myself. Frustrations in life helped me become strong. Celebrating Black heritage allows us to celebrate ourselves every day, not just in the month of February.

What or who has been your biggest cultural influence?
Michelle Obama. Self-explanatory.

From your lens, how can the larger community better support POC, like yourself?
To better support people of color is to be a better ally, be knowledgeable about racial equity and promote positive mental health for all.

What is your favorite cultural dish?
Any and everything soul food is good in my book.

Do you have any resources to share for someone like yourself or for someone who would like to learn more about your culture?
One resource I really think is beneficial is Communication Service for the Deaf’s (CSD) article on “10 Online Communities for Black Deaf Folk.” 

What advice would you give to those who are just joining your major as they look to advance their skillsets?
When you enter RIT, be sure to network with everyone. Take advantage of opportunities such as being in clubs and joining e-boards to advance professionally.    

Share a quote that you live by.
“Never a failure, always a lesson.” Every day in life; we may fail but we can get up and try again. Keep pushing for more!
Another favorite is, “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed,” said by Booker T. Washington.

Share a cool, random fact about yourself.
Those closest to me know that I’m very funny and that I love engaging in new topics: knowledge is power.

Keep up with Sonya by connecting with her on LinkedIn.